ATX DAO is growing and has many good ideas that we could develop. However we have a bottleneck of important administrative tasks slowing down the accomplish of these projects like book keeping, contract signing, venue coordination, event ticketing, calendar syncing, website edits, receipt and invoice collecting, etc.
This proposal is sponsored by JosephF, John M and Kyle (sicky). Valuable input was provided by CrystalGravy, Roberto, Ruwan, and Jesse.
We propose to hire a Operations Manager. This new Admin position would be a resource to all committee heads. This would be the first paid staff member for ATX DAO. While many ATX DAO members work on a volunteer basis and work for the DAO when available, this full time admin would give ATX DAO a single point of contact with more reliable availability, and greater cohesion, organization, and professionalism.
The expectation would be to pay about $30-35/hr and earn $2-3k per month for 20 hrs/week. With a current treasury of >$100k this would fit within our ATX DAO budget and give us comfortable runway to be able to pay the admin for many months to come giving this hire steady work. Meanwhile with the additional efficiency this person would bring to ATX DAO we can execute faster and more effectively on the several revenue generating ideas that have been proposed which would further ensure revenues: hackathons, government policy research, office space rental, networking events, NFT minting, Austin art murals, etc.
- Events and Partnerships
- Help in aquiring sponsorships for events. Assist the Partnerships committee when following up with sponsors.
- Coordinate logistics and contracts with local venues.
- Operations
- Manage contract and rent payment of ATX DAO office space.
- Engineering
- Help with logistics for hackathons including food, venue, volunteers.
- Marketing
- Help edit website.
- Keep the event calendar up-to-date.
- See this list for additional potential tasks to help with: committee objectives
- Treasury.
Work the the treasurer to help maintain the Treasury Spreadsheet and Expense reimbursement process. Ensure that the accounting is kept up-to-date and each expense and income item is categorized and has a description and receipts attached.
- REP Token Accounting: Ensure each committee keeps their allocated UST and REP token budget.
- Book Keeping: Ensure that ATX DAO will be able pass any financial audit.
- Meetings
The Ops Manager should attend committee head meetings each Monday and also some of the committee meetings as needed.
Pay Denomination
The Operations Manager would be paid in UST from the ATX DAO expense wallet. There may be some limited number of tasks for which the ops manager can earn REP tokens, but this will be capped so that ATX DAO members and aspiring members can volunteer and earn the majority of REP tokens.
Force Multiplier
Having an Operations Manager will serve as a force multiplier for our committee chairs. All committee chairs are still needed, it is just that they are able fo focus on higher value tasks. For example: the treasurer becomes the accountant and financial analysts rather than the book keeper. The operations committee chair does the ground work of incubating future leaders for elections, and DAO tooling research rather than meeting notes. The partnership and events work on fund raising rather than contract paperwork. Engineering can focus on the content of the hackathon rather than the site logistics. Legal can focus on working on incorporating ATX DAO as a Wyoming DAO rather than paperwork. The government committee can focus on recommending legislation to government officials to pass DAO friendly laws in Texas rather than venue and event logistics. The education committee can focus on curriculum creation and speaker scheduling while offloading some of the logistics.
** Good Employment Experience **
It will be important to attract good candidates for this position. We therefore propose to to pay above market rate. We also want to retain the hire for the long term. We therfore also need to ensure that this person is taken care of and has a quality employment experience. The committee heads will need to determine a primary point of contact for the Operations Manager who will help manage and prioritize tasks and collect additional tasks from the committee heads. One idea is to rotate the Ops Manager point of contact each quarter so that Ops Manager can get to know each committee and their respective initiatives and so this responsibility is distributed among committee heads.
The position would be paid every other Monday for the previous two weeks. Hours would be tracked in Bonuses might be awarded on top of hourly wages for exceptional performance.
The expectation and hope is to have this position open in perpetuity. We hope to achieve a win-win for employee and DAO. This will be accomplished when the hire meets expectations and also has sufficient job satisfaction to stay on long-term.
The Operations Manager would be a contractor for ATX DAO Public Relations, LLC. We would need to file a 1099.