Updated proposal to distribute budget determination responsibilities to each individual committee, using this proposal to primarily establish precedence. Bolding the primary updates.
Committee Budgets
In the interest of enabling Committees to be more effective and efficient in accomplishing their goals, we establish a seasonal discretionary spending budget for each Committee. Each Committee will be required to maintain a public ledger tracking where their budget has been spent. Reimbursement for funds spent will be disbursed by the DAO Treasurer at 3 month intervals, tracked from the start of the season.
These funds must be used to accomplish the mission set out in the Committee charter. Proposals introducing a penalty for a particular misuse of funds will be determined by the DAO in a vote which excludes all members of the Committee accused of misuse.
Be it resolved that the discretionary seasonal spending budget is set at $500 for each Committee. Should a committee require more funds than this to carry out their operations, it is recommended that they either:
1. Create a proposal for budget to be allocated to a specific project.
2. Create a committee specific 'Budget Increase' proposal outlining why the regular operations of the committee will require more funds. The amounts set for discretionary seasonal spending budgets (including increases/decreases from the current season) will carry onto the next season.